• Ishojim Resources Nigeria Limited

    • Ishojim Resources Nig. Limited is a company registered under the law of Nigerian with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) with registration number RC: 1072639. The objectives for which the company is established include but not limited to the following. To carry on business as general merchants on agriculture outputs and general contractors; general ventures; commercial, and supply of general goods and services, manufacture and deal in all articles, substance and products. Also, to export, import, prepare for market and deal in all kind of goods (whether or not manufactured in whole or in parts).

    • We created this complete website from front-end, back-end, UI, UX, logo, and graphic design. Now we are providing maintenance and support services to Ishojim Resources Nigeria Limited. We built this website from scratch using custom HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Ajax, and custom functionality using PHP. We intergrated custom icons and graphics that enhance the overall website user interface to understand the website easily.

    • Client's Testimonial

      I needed to provide contents for the website and I was having issues getting the content from my partner. Bamsie assisted me to get suitable images for my website without charging extra fee. It was indeed working with you guys. I love the look of my site. Thanks guys

    • Let's talk about working together on your project

      We're passionate about innovation, brilliant ideas and the execution that brings it all together in one beautiful experience. If you are too, call or send us an email to get started.

      Contact Us Today